New Website Letter
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- Posted in KSHP, KSHP 1400 AM, Radio Shopping

Please read our letter from Mark the Station manager about the new website.
To ALL Customers:
We have an entirely new website that launched this week. Please take the time to visit and explore what is new. Feel free to create an account using the email you provided us and start putting together your Wishlist to help with ordering and so you can see what we have in stock. With this new system everything is better connected and much more secure. We just ask our shoppers to please be patient until we get in a good rhythm and familiar with our new system.
Please call Mark or Michelle at the office 702-221-1200 to get your credit card set up as soon as you can. If any other information needs updating we will take care of that at the same time.
Thank you for your help, patience and understanding. We appreciate your continued support of KSHP Radio.
Have a great day!
Mark Hays
General Manager
2400 S. Jones Blvd. Suite 3
Las Vegas, NV 89146